Notification Settings
Wanna get notified of new summaries at a specific time of the day? Or do you want to get updates from your favorite influencers instantly? Both are possible with TubeOnAI settings. On your TubeOnAI profile, visit the Settings option and scroll down to the Notification Settings. Here you can enable or disable notifications entirely. Also, select the platforms where yFew readersPersonal Information
To change your personal information such as name, email address, and password, simply log in to your TubeOnAI profile and navigate to the Settings section. Now, under the Personal Information section, you can change your name, email address and give a password according to your preferences.Few readersAutomatic Summary
By default, TubeOnAI summarizes new content from your subscribed channel. But you have the option to disable it. Go to the Settings option of your TubeOnAI profile and scroll down to the section that says Automatic Summary. Enable or disable the option to your liking.Few readersToken Conversion
TubeOnAI has a remarkable content summarizer that helps users gain the necessary information from videos, articles, and PDFs. Another frequently asked question by our users is, “How do you calculate token usage?” Since TubeOnAI is based on OpenAI’s token-based system for summarization, it is important to understand how we can connect tokens and characters with time. This detailed blog post will explain the two critical conversion methods used in our platform: Token to Second ConversionFew readersPreferred Language
Want to enjoy content in your native language every time you generate a new summary? You can easily achieve that from the settings. Simply go to the Settings on your TubeOnAI profile. Scroll down to the section that says Preferred Language . Click on the dropdown menu and you can choose from more than 20 languages. Select your desired language and click on Update to make the changes in effect.Few readersWebHook
The Webhook URL feature in TubeOnAI allows you to receive real-time updates and integrate TubeOnAI with external applications or services. By configuring this feature, you can automate tasks, receive notifications, and streamline your workflows. How it works: Event Trigger: An event happens within an application, like a new summary or transcription. Notification: The application sends an HTTP POST request to the specified webhook URL. Data Transfer: The request includes aFew readers